THI has two main types of auctions
The Premier Auction
The Premier Parade in Narita
・One Or Two Days parade style auction held at the auction venue
・Bidding up progresses as the exhibited machine travels along the auction lane
・All drivable construction machinery are listed with no minimum bid price (unreserved).
・Bid with bid button at the venue
・Real-time online bidding "Goofee-Bid"
・Proxy bids via Fax or website
Number of listings
Holding month
T.H.I.Corp. Narita Machine center
123-4, Toyomi, Narita, Chiba,
Japan Post Code: 286-0101

The Premier Tender in Narita
・Held during the same time as the Parade in Narita for about 3days
・Inspect the unit displayed at the venue and bid at the asking price.
・All general construction machinery for auction including
generators, compressors,
attachments and other small items
・Put the application form with your asking price in the bid box at the venue
・Bid from the auction list online
・Send the application form with your asking price by fax
Number of listings
Holding month
T.H.I.Corp. Narita Kichioka Yard
969-1, raikoudai, kichioka-aza, Narita, Chiba,
Japan Post Code: 286-0225

The Premier Video in Yokohama or Narita
・1 day video screen style auction held at the auction venue
・Bidding up progresses as the exhibited machine's photos are displayed on screen
・All general construction machinery for auction including generators, compressors, attachments
and other small items from around designated areas in Japan
・Auction style includes both Reserved (has minimum bid price) and Unreserved units
・Bid with bid button at the venue
・Real-time online bidding "Goofee-Bid"
・Proxy bids via Fax or website
Number of listings

Internet Auction
AssetLine Internet Auction
・During the auction period the auction list is available and bidding up progresses
・All general construction machinery for auction including generators, compressors, attachments
and other small items from around designated areas in Japan
・Auction style includes both Reserved (has minimum bid price) and Unreserved units
・Bidding via the auction list online during the auction period
Number of listings
Holding month
Held about 10 times per year usually from Monday to Friday

24/7 Market
・During the auction period, the list is available online and bids will be accepted until the
close date
・All general construction machinery for auction including non-moving and malfunctioning
machinery, generators, compressors, attachments and other small items from around designated
areas in Japan
・Tender auction bidding style (some units have preset sale prices and some negotiable)
・Bidding via the auction list online
Number of listings
Holding month
Each machine has different closing time.