Our Policy to Protect the Individual's Information

First Collection and use of Information pertaining to Individuals

Information regarding individuals will be collected and used only within the scope of a predefined purpose. The use of information collected will not deviate from the purpose initially specified.

Second Management and protection of Information held relating to Individuals.

We will never disclose or offer information held on individualals to a third party unless the customer has authorised us to do so. Furthermore we will take sufficient measures to prevent unlawful access; loss ; leakage ; destruction ; falsification of data held on our systems.

Third Conformity

This company will handle information in an honest way as per our company policy as well as operating within the law and legal framework regarding the handling of individuals data.

Fourth On-going improvement of Data Protection and Management.

We will strive to continuously improve the management and protection of data held by this company.

October 1st 2006
T.H.I. Corp.
CEO Shinnosuke Kawaguchi